Thursday, June 9, 2011

Soda lemon juice - Diet plan successful

Soda lemon juice

Lemon juice is very good for your diet program. Soda lemon juice is able to absorb and clean the fat in your stomach.

Soda lemon juice also has a unique flavor that can restore your spirit.

Soda lemon juice Ingredients:

-3 lemon

-syrup: 200 gr sugar boil with 200 ml water

-600 ml of white soda

-200 grams of canned sweet orange

-ice cubes to taste

How to make soda lemon juice:

1. Syrup: cook sugar with water until boiling, remove and let cool.

2. Prepare a glass, fill with ice cubes, syrup to taste, lemon juice, sweet orange, add soda.

3. Serve immediately.

For: 6 people

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